

2024-07-18 10:35:33


In the water in the clouds, the cloud drop all is the small waterdrop.They mainly are depend on continue to congeal with mutually collidecombine increase. Therefore, in Shui Yunli, the cloud drop mustincrease to the raindrop size, first needs the cloud very thick, clouddrop thick, the water content are many, like this, it can continue tocongeal the growth; Next, also needs to have a stronger verticalmovement in Shui Yunnei, like this can increase the opportunity whichthe multiple collision combines. But in quite is thin and the quitestable water in the clouds, the cloud drop not enough congeals andcombines the growth opportunity, only can cause, the cloudy daycloudy, the congress does not rain. In each kind of different cloud, its cloud drop size distribution isvarious, creates the cloud drop size uneven reason is in thesurrounding air the water vapor shift as well as cloud dropevaporating. Causes the factor which the cloud drop grows is congealsthe process and the collision and with the process, in only has thecondensation in the situation, the cloud drop size is even, but as aresult of the water vapor supplement, enable certain cloud drops tohave the growth, in addition and with the function result, causes thebigger cloud drop to continue to grow changes accomplishes for theraindrop. The raindrop drops the earth's attraction function, when hasthe ascendant current, can have an upward strength to add on theraindrop, causes its drop the speed to slow down, and some smallraindrop possibly are also brought to come up. Only has when theraindrop increases to the certain degree, can drop the ground, formsrains。


the heat of the sun evaporates the water from the ocaens,seas,rivers and lakes. water vapor is thus formed.this rises and forms clouds in the air. As the air rises,it is cooled.The higer it rise the more they are colled.this cause more and more water vapor to condense.In this way,the tiny drops of water in the clouds get bigger and bigger until then are heavy enough to fall to the earth as rain.。


the heat of the sun evaporates the water from the ocaens,seas,rivers and lakes. water vapor is thus formed.this rises and forms clouds in the air.

As the air rises,it is cooled.The higer it rise the more they are colled.this cause more and more water vapor to condense.In this way,the tiny drops of water in the clouds get bigger and bigger until then are heavy enough to fall to the earth as rain.



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